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Your support helps us to deliver innovative solutions
Launched in 2016 in response to the overdose crisis, this program offers harm reduction supplies to drug users in alleyways and side streets across Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside and West End neighbourhoods, while responding to overdoses and reports of discarded injection equipment.
The fast-moving 24/7 program uses bicycles and foot patrols to deliver service when and where it’s needed. The two-person team also provides overdose response training and naloxone distribution
The program provides low-barrier harm reduction services to Vancouver’s hard-to-reach homeless population, providing clean needles, naloxone kits, and overdose response. Services also include alley safety patrols, recovery of discarded syringes from public spaces, education and support.
DTES: 8am – 8pm 7 days a week
West End:8am – 2pm Monday to Saturday
West End :
Partners :
Vancouver Coastal Health, City of Vancouver